Saturday 9 April 2011

Tissington Tales

Lets start with my favourite vendor from the craft fair. This time it is images only please visit the Knitted by Nanna Blog for contact details of crafters if you like what you see.

Lavender Doves, hand stitched.
 Re-usable baby cloths
 Baby bibs
 Baby blankets/mats
 Lanevender Doves
 Knitted by Nanna booties
 this is what Nanna knits for...
Knitted by Nanna baby cardigans
 yes I liked the doves...
 Cutie bear from Carries Crafts modelling her bibs!
  A duck snuck in my pics!
  More birdies! 
 hand stitched lavender hearts
 bigger hearts! & pillows!
 Cupid... draw back your bow... 
 Each bit of silver hand woven to make the chains. 
 So the detail means more
  Dinky bags
for dinky soaps and bath bombs
 for bath time lovin'
 Edible looking centre pieces
 please don't it is soap!
 and a bath bomb...

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Walking in a winter wonderland

With a picture being worth a thousand words and all that I like to surround myself with inspirational, thought provoking or generally just 'put a smile on my face' images.

Here are some of my most recent snaps around the local area where I live. I always fall in love with it all over again when it snows.